Genesis Episode: The Tectonic Shift in the World Financial System

Genesis Episode: The Tectonic Shift in the World Financial System

Digital Money Advisor

There are inflection points in history where major changes move from being probable to being inevitable. And I believe we are at such a time right now with the world financial system.

Just like tectonic plates move slowly over time, then snap all at once, I think we’re in a situation now where the world is quickly moving to a new system because the current one is broken.

And this is something that’s been building for the past 50 years.

Join me in this journey as we try to understand what’s happening to our financial system and what are the implications of these changes for the way we think about, use, and invest our money.

Throughout this journey, we’ll talk about economics, fiscal and monetary policy, politics, and how these affect the rise and use of digital money.

My goal is to keep you on the leading edge of how money is evolving and how you can benefit from investing in digital assets such as Bitcoin and other blockchain-based assets.


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