Episode 22 Monetizing Quail.
In today’s episode I talk about monetizing quail.
Review of the Sportsman Incubator and HumidiKit https://thelotsproject.com/2022/02/04/gqf-sportsman-1502-digital-cabinet-incubator-and-humidikit/
Affiliate links:
Sportsman Incubator https://amzn.to/32WMyaP
HumidiKit https://amzn.to/34hf0EX
Telegram Chat https://t.me/LOTSChat
Amazon Links to the Waterers mentioned in the show:
Cup waterers- https://amzn.to/3HAYg9S
Gravity feed- https://amzn.to/3unw0nK
Screw in nipples https://amzn.to/3Hnwu0A
Top Fill https://amzn.to/3GlNov9
Heated gravity feed https://amzn.to/3ghtcjJ
Rubber farm bowl https://amzn.to/3J2xzLB
To find out more about The LOTS Project please visit https://thelotsproject.com or find me on social media:
https://t.me/TheLOTSProject (channel)
https://t.me/LOTSChat (chat)
https://flote.app/user/TheLOTSProject https://amzn.to/3unw0nKhttps://mewe.com/p/thelotsproject