Thanks to the new supporters:Ben - VirginWorlds Member
Dajuroka - EQ-IQ Sponsor
brinelan - A View from the Top Sponsor
Wolfenhex - Through the Aftermath Sponsor
tpajeek - Through the Aftermath Sponsorrevren - Through the Aftermath Sponsor
morphisat - VirginWorlds SupporterParadiso - Limited Edition and Van Hemlock Podcast Sponsor
Aximand - Limited Edition Sponsor
Akely - VirginWorlds Elite MemberTopics:City of Heroes - Missions ArchitectLove -
http://www.quelsolaar.comGene Yoon Leaving Linden LabsStarGate Worlds still goingApocrypha's impact on Eve OnlineFallen Earth Rated MIndie MMO gives to charityWoW: The9 Is outBethesda to Sue InterplayParagon StudiosNetDevil:
MMOs on a ShoestringRealtime Worlds attracts talent