VirginWorlds Podcast #43
Featuring occasional co-host, Brenden from
FalconTwinThis show is super long. If you don't like that, I apologize. If you love long shows, you're welcome. Despite its length, we keep things moving pretty snappy-like.
Topics of the week include:
Free To Play on January 4 2007.
Eve Online
Eve Online A New PCU Record - Close to 33,000 Users
EverQuest II
Play the Fae 7 day trial
The merging of EverQuest II OGaming into the Allakhazam Network
Dungeon Runners
NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is no-longer in place
www.dungeonrunners.comFirefly MMO
Multiverse maker of a free MMO-creation platform to create MMORPG in the fashion
of Star Wars Galaxies or Eve Online.
Green Monster Games
Schilling hires all of SOE
Saga of Ryzom
Prospective buyers are still secret.
Pre-order boxes are now available.
World of Warcraft
Shawn Fanning is preparing to launch a WoW social networking site, dubbed
MMORPG Reader's Choice for 2006
Nominees in each category make us say WTF?
VirginWorlds is the 104th most popular MMO
blog (yay!)
What We're Playing
Profile of the Week
JenningsListener Mail
Special Segments
Doug's RMT Rant - Part 2
Loot from Pwnage Brothers Carnival of gamers at
Nation .
GameSetWatch article about VirginWorlds
GDC- I'm so in.