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Aug 19 2024

The Retrograde on Radio Detox

On this 3rd episode of Radio Detox, I talk with Abel James, a blues artist in the Valueverse whose music you can hear on Wavlake, Fountain, and LNBeats. He’s the New York Times Best Selling Author of The Wild Diet, and all around interesting dude. I think he’s the perfect guy to help us detox off the food pyramid…fiat music, and more. 

It’s no secret Bitcoiners don’t follow conventions in money, food, or culture. We like steak, fat, sound money, and Valueverse music. Let’s wrap this all up in a pretty bow with Abel James! I’m excited to share this interview because we talk about some of his favorite experiences in the Valueverse so far. He’s only been here for a couple of months! You wouldn’t believe it when you listen. Maybe he was born to be here, right now, with all the rest of us. 

He’s got a firm grasp of all the problems we have in social media, podcasting, live music, and recorded music. I’m still kinda bummed I haven’t seen him play yet, but he technically was on stage in Nashville for Bands at Bitcoin. He just wasn’t performing. Though he did co-write a song with JustLoud live on stage—which we will get into. 

Abel feels like a brother already because he just kinda popped into view and already has the same friends I do. Perhaps it’s because everyone is so welcoming in this space. I think he’s a great example of how jumping into the world of value-for-value can rapidly change your life as an artist for the better. 

Follow Abel James on Nostr: primal.net/p/npub1ucgf8qyuxpqrkape9mqc20qmcs9nxe8axy069edfr8hkcl5tlhssueflfw 

Follow your host, MAKE SONGS LONGER (aka @heatherlarson) on Nostr: primal.net/p/npub1nl8r463jkdtr0qu0k3dht03jt9t59cttk0j8gtxg9wea2russlnq2zf9d0 

Watch live music Monday nights in August from The Vinyl Lounge in Nashville on Tunestri.io 

Follow The Vinyl Lounge on Nostr: primal.net/p/npub1m0fkefjhw6z7m8fv2nh7vrtf3rlsy70dywlsdj08lzekdr7kheyqefgpyg 

Track Listing: 

  1. Not On The Radio (Acoustic) Geoff Smith
  2. Abel James: Swamp Thing
  3. Winds of Change by Herbivore
  4. Abel James: Live While I'm Alive
  5. The Hard Way by Martin Grooms
  6. Abel James: Thank God For the Blues
  7. Shrooms by JustLoud
  8. Black and Blue by Homeless Moses
  9. Abel James: VooDoo Queen
  10. The Itch by Retrograde
  11. Whole Lotta Trouble by SOB and the Dangs (The band with the Stacey we keep mentioning!) 
  12. You've Got A Lotta Nerve by Rock'n'Roll Breakheart

P.S. Have fun finding the easter egg 🥚 in this episode...there's a little tease... 😉

Also, I had a little mic issue and fixed it mostly in post-prod. It happens. 🤙


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