Finders, SEEKers // Ekaterini Karabatos

Finders, SEEKers // Ekaterini Karabatos

Seize the Yay

I'm so excited to present our next miniseries in partnership with SEEK. It has brought so much yay to mix up the format and zoom in on particular facets of seizing your yay, so allow me to introduce Finders, SEEKers.

You've all heard me rave on and on about how life unravels in many different chapters and how the most uncomfortable, scary changes in our lives are usually the most transformative and exciting. One of the many silver linings of an otherwise undesirable few years is the opportunity to clear the slate of habit and obligation to actively SEEK those changes you've always dreamed of.

And there truly is NO better time than now with more jobs around than ever before but less applications per job ad driven by a shortage of candidates. The Great Job Boom is upon us and yet 45% of Aussies are worried their skills and resume won't stack up against other Aussies...

So in Finders, SEEKers, we have a host of amazing guests from coaches to intrapreneurs to help kick those nays to the curb and turn them into yays by making your next move.

I could not be more excited about today’s guest as she is not only one of my dearest friends but also the PERFECT example of an intrapreneur who has repeatedly embraced the beauty of change. She is also the EXQUISITE bride from this past weekend (if any of you were watching on socials) who you may have caught smashing plates in true Greek style – she is nothing if not extra and I love her to bits for it.

Ekaterini (Kat) Karabatos and I met at our selective entry high school, MacRob, and shared the hilarious dichotomy between our very nerdy academic selves and station hanging wild child tendencies. She also went on to do Law/Arts at Monash but unlike me stayed within the law to pave an incredibly success career but not without its own pivots.

She is a BRILLIANT employment lawyer who has worked her way through several HUGE jumps between corporate and in-house, Sydney and Melbourne, and is literally on the cusp of another big change so couldn’t be more perfect for fellow SEEKers of change to hear right now. She brings SO much yay to my life so I hope you love her as much as I do.

+ Announcements on Insta at @spoonful_of_sarah
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