12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 07

12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 07

Longbox Crusade

Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 07: Seven Sojourn SojourningIssue: Sojourn #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 07 Starting the back-half of Crusademas, Jason brings the Crossgen classic "Sojourn" to our gift-giving session.  Straight from the early 2000's, Ron Marz teamed up with artists Greg Land & Drew Garaci to bring us some sword & sorcery.  Will the D&Dishness tickle Pat's tummy feathers?  Will Jarrod's natural disdain of fantasy make him hold onto all his candy canes?  Kreeg - awesome comic book dog, or best comic book dog ever?  Does anyone actually read these previews?  Tune in to find out!  Lady-of-the-80's icon, Cyndi Laueper, brings this one home with her song, "Feels Like Christmas."  In the outtakes, everyone is mean to Weasel Skull....Merry Christmas! Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/ Let us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com This podcast is a member of the CRUSADECAST Network:Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusadeLike the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusadeSubscribe to the podcast on iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-longbox-crusade/id1118783510?mt=2 Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas. All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended. We make no money on this podcast, it is for entertainment purpose only.


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