BTC $ 33,821
Today's guest on the show is @_k3tan from @ministryofnodes who joins me to go through the nitty-gritty of setting up a #Bitcoin node and why it's important.
Spinning up a node sounds like a complex procedure and something that should be left to the 'more techie folk' in the #Bitcoin community. This is bullshit and @_k3tan is here to dispel any myths and help you get over any fears. Yes, it's time to step up.
However, let's also learn about how @_k3tan came to find #Bitcoin and why he told @stephanlivera that he was a 'fucking fruitloop' when they were at Uni together.
Why did @_k3tan decide he wanted to learn how to fly, how long did it take him and why does it fill him with joy and a sense of freedom?
Will @_k3tan follow the gov's rules of lockdown and let his Budgie smugglers gather dust in his top drawer?
So many more topics were discussed, including the practicalities of running a node and using a hardware wallet, sit back and enjoy the journey!
A huge thank you to @_K3tan for coming on the show and sharing all of his knowledge! Find him at and his youtube channel
I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.
Thank you:
@coinfloor @swanbitcoin @relai_ch @ShiftCryptoHQ for your trust and support. @jimreapermusic for creating @hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.
If you would like to support the show you can listen via @sphinx_chat and join the tribe!
You can also support the show by using the @Breez_Tech App and searching for the Once BITten Podcast!
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