I am no longer present for things that make me feel like shit // Tully Humphrey and Sarah Pasini

I am no longer present for things that make me feel like shit // Tully Humphrey and Sarah Pasini

Seize the Yay

Welcome back to #yaysofourlives beautiful people - I hope you’re being gentle on yourselves during another crazy year. I really notice what a rollercoaster it is when I sit down to record these and see how drastically things change week to week - it’s a lot to take in so sending everyone lots of love.

Perfect time to send some more random, joyful banter into your ears - after I went into Dr Kieran Kennedy’s episode a few weeks ago without ANY notes or plans and had such a blast, I decided to this same for this week to see where it took us. And what a thrill to be joined by two amazing humans who also love a good chinwag, Tully Humphrey and Sarah Pasini.

It probably says a lot about their relationship that they chose two very similar #quotesoftheyay:

I am no longer present for things that make me feel like shit.

Distance yourself from people that bring out the person you're not trying to be anymore

You may have already heard of and/or from these two before either through their own cracking podcast, Curious Conversations, that I jumped on a few weeks ago or through their trail blazing activewear label, TULLY LOU. If you haven’t, these two are business partners and best friends who shift effortlessly between serious practical insights on eight years in business stealing the hearts of Gigi Hadid and the like to hysterical cackles about the woes of dating in the modern age.

I’ve been lucky to know them both since the very first day of Matcha Maiden and have drawn so much inspiration from them both for many years. Tully is such an amazing example of the non-conventional pathYAY overcoming anorexia and depression from 14 years old and quitting school at 16 years old to found a business that played a huge role in bringing athleisure to where it is today. Sare brings a contrasting academic background and experience in exercise science to the business and their friendship making them the perfect pair. I always have such a great time chatting with these two although I can barely remember what we even spoke about but those random chats are my favourites - hope you enjoy!

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