YAYS OF OUR LIVES // Our new community segment

YAYS OF OUR LIVES // Our new community segment

Seize the Yay

You may have seen we did a little SURV-YAY at the end of last year to make sure I could take into account your feedback, suggestions and requests during the break while planning this new year's show. It was so delightful to hear that a) most of you are happy with exactly what we're already doing and b) your favourite guests were all completely different proving my very point that seizing the yay looks different for everyone. Two things that did recur a few times though were requests for more community interaction and a few more stories of people earlier on in the journey or more locally focused. So, in addition to our regular schedule, a second YAYS OF OUR LIVES segment is coming to the yayborhood.

While I got pretty bogged down working out the details and logistics, I realised the most important thing for a community episode is COMMUNITY INPUT - I really can't bring this segment to life without you guys being involved. So, instead of launching a completed concept, this episode is to run you through the ideas so far with a little preview of some of the sections to see what you think AND start getting your submissions. There's a QUOTE OF THE YAY, YAYBORHOOD WATCH and RECOMMEN-YAYTIONS all of which depend on you being involved. So please have a listen, take some notes, and flick them over to smile@spoonfulofsarah.com, via Instagram DM, or in the yay-borhood Facebook group to get this ball rolling!

+ Announcements on Insta at @spoonful_of_sarah
+ Subscribe to not miss out on the next instalment of YAY!


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