Jade Kisnorbo // Creating confidence, balancing business and flourishing with family

Jade Kisnorbo // Creating confidence, balancing business and flourishing with family

Seize the Yay

Welcome to Spring everyone (or to Autumn if anyone is tuning in from the Northern Hemisphere). The new month and season also brought with it the birth of the Seize the Yay book which finally launched into the world yesterday – thank you so much to everyone for your lovely messages of support and for buying your copies. We’ll talk more about the book in due time, but today is all about our wonderful guest Jade Kisnorbo who you might have seen gave the yayborhood an incredible make up tutorial for Chits and Giggles last week. Over a thousand of you tuned in and it seemed many of you learnt as much as I do every time I chat to Jade – she’s technically an internationally renowned hair and make-up artist but I think a far better title for her is as a creator of confidence.

Since we took an educational approach for our IGTV tutorial (which you can still watch I’ll be posting the full product list in the next few days), I thought this episode should focus more on the storytelling which you know I love so much. Some episodes truly unravel like a chat on the couch between friends and for most of this one I forgot we were recording just soaking up the lesser known backstory of how Jade made her way to yay. We jump around from balancing career priorities in a marriage, the freedom of the expat experience, the challenge of starting from scratch in an industry and what it takes to build a name for yourself as well as being a mother and businesswoman which is something I admire about Jade so much. There really is a bit of everything and most of this I was hearing for the first time along with you. I really cherish the openness some guests are willing to bring to these chats especially when they are well known professionally in the media or around town. I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

+ Follow Jade K here
+ Announcements on Insta at @spoonful_of_sarah
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