Title: Your World Matters
By: Tim Chilvers
Bible Reading: Genesis, Chapter 28: Verses 10-22 (Focus – verse 16)
Description: Part of our teaching series called 'Everyday You' looking at the impact we can have in our everyday worlds. Wherever we find ourselves, whatever we find ourselves doing, we have the possibility of seeing the good news of Jesus at work.
Recorded: Sunday 13/10/2019 at our Bournville gathering.
Your World Matters:
'We live in a world in which we presume that changing the world is done on a grand scale. We praise celebrities and those who seem to have global impact. But, we don’t need to go looking for somewhere dramatic. We can see the value of everyday - maybe the world is changed one life at a time. Because we are part of God’s great story, we just need to see our everyday through new eyes. Maybe we are already right where we need to be, and simply play our part in the way God is changing our world. For outsiders, this gives a dignity and perspective on our everyday that begins to point them to a Father who sees them and calls them.'
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.