Discovering Bitcoin with (Saint) OPTI

Discovering Bitcoin with (Saint) OPTI

Discovering Bitcoin

Episode One feat. (Saint) Optimus Fields, co-host of the best daily show about Bitcoin, Simply Bitcoin and Creator of Bitcoin Kindergarten*

We discuss:

  • Opti's Bitcoin origin story
  • Internet nerd money
  • Digging ditches
  • Philosophy
  • Warrior families
  • Building on a pillar of truth
  • Heaps more

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Check out Opti's Links:

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YUGE thanks to Opti for spending some of his scarce time and finite energy telling us the tale of how he discovered Bitcoin.

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If you enjoyed listening, please share this pod around with friends and tolerable family and like-minded laser-eyed nyms on the Internet, give us a like, or boost, or send sats direct using Value4Value via Podcasting 2.0 apps, like Fountain and Breez.

* Intro/Outro Music: Midnight Juggernauts 'Road to Recovery'

* Language Warning

*Sorry about the slightly glitchy audio; I cleaned it up pretty good, but this is an ep that's better listened to with a bit of ambient noise in the background; like when you're driving, mowing the lawn, or trying to block out your fiat co-workers whining at your desk all day. The next couple episodes are real nice!


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