Segment #1: "King Goodell?"
It was recently reported that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell made $29.5 Million in 2011. Raider Greg gives his opinion on this story.
Segment #2: "New Raiders Coaching Staff Meets The Media"
The new Raiders assistant coaches met with the media at Raiders headquarters recently. There are videos of the meetings on and we added some of the audio to this show. Questions and answers with new Raiders Offensive Coordinator Greg Olson, O-Line Coach Tony Sparano, Special Teams Coach Bobby April, and Linebackers Coach Bob Sanders. Raider Greg watched the videos and gives you his impression of the new coaches and what they said.
Segment #3: "Mt. Davis will be tarped over for the 2013 season"
In a new approach to selling out the Oakland Coliseum for every game to avoid television blackouts, the Raiders will tarp over the upper deck of Mt. Davis this season. This will reduce the capacity of the Coliseum to 53,250 (down from 64,200). People with season tickets in that upper section will be relocated to the 3rd deck of the "old" section of the Coliseum. Since those Mt. Davis ticket holders were paying $25 per game, all other seats in the 3rd deck will be reduced in price down to $25 per game. Raider Greg is happy. His 3rd deck 50 yd. line seat will drop from his original $82 per game price down to $25 per game. The other sections of the Coliseum will see a $1 per game reduction in price.
Segment #4: "Our Toll-Free Boneline Voicemail Segment"
This week's callers:
01. Raider Tony in Monterey California
02. Raider Mike from the Raider Fan Podcast
03. The Raiders' Edge in Buffalo New York
04. Money Man Has Spoken Raider
05. Raider Jesse James
06. Raider Todd in Fresno
07. Raider Jaime from Bakersfield
08. The Surface Raider from the UK
You can call in to the Boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.
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Music credit: Back in Black by AC-DC
Available in the iTunes store.
Running time - 1:42:24