Rob Kenney // The dearest, devoted dad behind "Dad, How Do I?"

Rob Kenney // The dearest, devoted dad behind "Dad, How Do I?"

Seize the Yay

So excited about our guest for this episode, you all know I love finding different and heart warming stories from around the world and this was one I found randomly on Instagram. I’m so thrilled that Rob Kenney kindly agreed to join us from Seattle to share his fascinating journey from college football to salesman to YouTube influencer extraordinaire!

You may know him simply as "Dad" from the wildly popular Dad How Do I? YouTube channel teaching you how to do everyday things you may have missed out on learning from your dad. Created during the pandemic last year following conversations with his 28 year old daughter and 25 year old son, the channel has exploded to nearly three and a half million subscribers who Rob calls hid “kids” from all over the globe. You’ll hear the story of how Rob’s own dad took custody of him and his seven siblings when his mother turned to alcoholism, only to leave the family when Rob was just 14 leaving Rob to grow up in his older brother’s small caravan. You’ll also hear his extraordinary empathy for his parents and refusal to dwell on the past leading a beautiful life with his own family before this incredible plot twist in his 50s.

His is such a cool story with so many important lessons on kindness, forgiveness, the different forms of ambition and the very seize-the-yay-appropriate reminder that you never know when a new chapter you could never have imagined lies just around the corner. Rob is also a published author AND has so many other exciting things on the horizon. I hope you enjoy as much as I did!



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