BSCC 103 - Kristy's Worst Idea

BSCC 103 - Kristy's Worst Idea

Strange Bedfellows

Your two favorite Partywarts™ are standing by this week with an arsenal of jokes, classic memes, and hilarious burns for your amusement. Which is unfortunate, because this was the week that the Baby-Sitters Club has decided to disband, and the girls are barely even on speaking terms, an occasion that calls for mourning, sober analysis, and bitter, inconsolable tears. Say what you want about the BSCC, but you certainly get the full range of emotions here. Also, Jackie’s back! In time!

Music credits:

“Powerful Background Presentation Music,” by Orbital Music

“Carnival Lament,” by Robert Austin

“Don’t Leave Me,” by Lionel Schmitt

“You Gotta Have Theremin and Ukulele,” by Squidlord

“Also Sprach Zarathustra, Richard Strauss,” by Kevin MacLeod

“The Prophecy,” by Fox Beat

Thanks as always to original Baby Boy Scott Lamb for the intro music, and to Superbrat for the outro music.

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