TSC14: The United States of Black Metal with Daniel Lake

TSC14: The United States of Black Metal with Daniel Lake

The Sonic Cloth

USBM...no four letters are more reviled to the global cvlt black metal goon squad (and yes, we’re very aware of NSBM). Esteemed writer (Decibel Magazine) and fellow music obsessive, Dan Lake, joins me as we make a case for this maligned and miraculous rabbit hole of American Black Metal music. We discuss his excellent new book, “USBM: A Revolution of Identity in American Black Metal”, the roots and evolution of black metal in this here United States, and we manage to painstakingly pull together an indispensable track list of false black metal americano style.

Follow Dan’s writings @ Decibel 

Pick up a copy of USBM: A Revolution of Identity in American Black Metal

Follow USBM: The Book on Facebook & Instagram

Follow @thesonicclothpodcast on Instagram to grab the tracklist

Hit a dude up @ thesoniccloth@gmail.com

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