12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 01

12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 01

Longbox Crusade

Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020

Day 01: And a Spider-Man 2099

Issue: Spider-Man 2099 #3

‪It’s CRUSADEMAS 2020! We’re just getting warmed up, so we go to the LBC basement where Clinton dwells then jump 79 years in the future for SPIDER MAN 2099!

Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com

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Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020.


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