Kristina Costalos // Sail a-YAY, sail a-YAY, sail a-YAY...

Kristina Costalos // Sail a-YAY, sail a-YAY, sail a-YAY...

Seize the Yay

Welcome to September lovely yayborhood you made it through winter I hope you’re excited to come out of hiberyaytion! And I can’t think of a better story to help you spring into spring than this one.


Today’s guest epitomises the idea of seizing your yay having walked away from a booming career not only to take a new direction but to LITERALLY QUIT HER JOB ALTOGETHER, BUY A BOAT, LEARN TO SAIL IT AND THEN TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD ON IT!!! Yep, Kristina Costalos and her pilot partner, John Tilley, packed up their lives in 2021 after Melbourne’s third lockdown, used their savings to buy a yacht, learnt to sail it with no prior experience and took the actual plunge.


You might recognise Kristina from her extensive career as a news reporter covering some incredible stories across states and networks, but may not have realised the extent of her sea change! You know I’m a HUGE fan of people trying out things they’ve never before and making big, scary leaps in their life so I ADORED picking Kristina’s brains about this epic journey. Perhaps your new season might not bring about a change this big but hopefully it sparks something within you to go after that thing you’ve been dreaming about! I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

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